The Lions Club of Fairlop have for many years held eye camps in Punjab, India. These camps are attended by several members of the club at their own cost and very much reflects the spirit of Lionism. The eye camps are staged in February and March every year where approx. 600 operations are performed and are a combination of adult and children’s operations. The cost of these operations range between £20,000 to £25,000, all of which is donated by our club from monies raised at our annual Vaisakhi dinner and dance.

Eye sight is something we all take for granted but for the many thousands of poor people in India it is a dream. However, with a simple cataract operation that dream can become a reality. There is only so much we can do in a couple of weeks and it is with great sadness that we have to turn away those people who have come to fulfil their dream and who perhaps may have a chance the following year.

Below are some of the images from our most recent eye camps.

Click here to see images from Eye camps in Punjab

Below are some videos from our eye camps.